Sunday, November 1, 2009

I am excited about all that God is doing in our lives. First of all God is stretching us. He is asking us to live by faith and wanting to prove himself faithful in situations that seem harder to us than those in the past. Graham Cook said it well when he said " There is no security in what God is doing only in who he is." This has been true to me. But what security there is who God is!!! And eventually we will have an awesome testimony to share with others.

Our area down here is experiencing revial! We as a church have seen so many salvations lately. As a people this is a church who shares often but in there history never have so many been brought into the kingdom of God in such a short time. Not only is the gospel going forth with power but miracles are accompaning it. My friend from our training program last year is a nurse. She shared with me the other week that a baby was brought into the ER that had been dead for two hours. She worked with the other nurse to try and resisitate the baby but as she worked she was crying out to God. After 45 minutes of them working on the baby they got a heart beat and it was life flighted to another hospital. However, the nurse said as she left she looked at the other nurses and they were covered in gold dust. I know that seems far out but I think it was God confirming to her that he just raised this baby and has awesome plans for it.

One other encouraging story. The woman I mentor is an OT and she had a client whose parents came from napal to try and get her help. The girl is 8 and has cerebral palsey. My friend felt like she was suppose to share the gospel with this family but she worried if they would really understand the message in english. Balyor is in Waco and in there seminary was, as God would have it, a person from napal. She asked this person to come to her work. As she met with the parents she told her testimony and then took the girl to work with her. The seminary student came in and presented the gospel. A while later he came out saying the parents were ready to pray to accept Jesus!! One of the incredible things is that this happened on Friday and they had to leave on tuesday. After months even in a religious city no one else had shared with them. Now we have brand new believers going back to Napal to take their family and friends the good news. My friend asked the parents if before they left she and some friends could pray over the daughter. A couple days later 4 women gathered and were able to pray over this precious girl for 15 mins. She had one leg shorter than the other. It was significant and the girl wore special shoes. Well, they saw her leg grow. When the girl went to go she could no longer walk with her special shoe on. The physical therapist she was seeing confirmed the next day that though she looked for 20 minutes and brought in someone else she could no longer see any discrepancy. What a gift for this family as they head home and a testimony of the greatness of God!

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